Greg Kihlström

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CustomerThink: Building a Culture of Agility in CX and Marketing

This article was written for CustomerThink by Greg Kihlström. You can read the full article here.

Agility has become a cornerstone for success in the enterprise and a culture of agility within marketing and customer experience teams can significantly enhance an organization’s ability to adapt to market changes, meet customer needs more effectively, and foster continuous improvement and innovation. This article aims to discuss the importance of building a culture of agility and provides a comprehensive guide on how to operationalize it within marketing and customer experience frameworks.

Why a Culture of Agility is Important

To marketing and CX leaders, agility means being able to adapt and respond quickly. When it comes to marketing and customer service (as well as other realms of CX), this involves using methods that focus on short-term goals, continuous improvement, feedback, and teamwork. By embracing this approach teams can react promptly to customer needs, market changes, and new opportunities to stay ahead, in the landscape.

Having a culture of agility brings about teamwork improved efficiency, happier customers and the ability to innovate swiftly. By breaking down barriers, between departments, agile teams can bring together viewpoints and skills to solve problems creatively and provide value efficiently.

Operationalizing a Culture of Agility

Operationalizing a culture of agility involves several key steps, tailored to fit the unique needs of marketing and customer experience teams. Let’s explore a few ways to do this:

Agile Planning & Execution

Start by setting up Agile project teams with clear roles and responsibilities. Prioritize work based on customer value and the impact on the customer experience. Utilize Agile tools such as Kanban boards and Scrum methodologies to manage tasks, enhance visibility, and ensure that the team remains focused on delivering customer-centric outcomes.

Customer-Centric Product Development

Make sure to prioritize the customer in the product development process by incorporating their feedback from the beginning and consistently. Utilize methods, like surveys, interviews, and beta testing to gather insights. Adjust product features, marketing approaches, and customer interactions based on feedback, from customers. Showcase customer-driven innovations to inspire the team and underscore the importance of Agile methods.

This article was written for CustomerThink by Greg Kihlström. You can read the full article here.